• 21st century teacher - tales from a pedagogical experiment

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Many have claimed that the challenges of the 21st century workplace and society necessitate a shift in our educational paradigm. Definitions and mentions of the so-called 21st century pedagogy  abound. This essay is a descriptive account of an ongoing pedagogical experiment (started in March 2012, 15 months ago) and it will attempt the following:
    a)    to provide a theoretical framework for 21st century pedagogy in the classroom
    b)    to give a detailed account of a step-by-step introduction of these theories
    c)    to analyse the impact of 21st century pedagogy on the learning process

    It is important to note that the title of ’21st century teacher’ refers to the difficulties one teacher went through and the challenges one has to rise to when trying to implement 21st century pedagogical principles in practice. It is , therefore, an account of a journey rather than than the success story of a new system.


  • Easter and the English lesson

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Teaching holidays at the English lessons is my obsession. Once students get used to talking about topical events and holidays during the lessons, they start to get prepared for them. They like these topics as finally they get answer to some of their questions (what the origins of the holiday are, since when we celebrate it etc.) and they are interested in hearing how other nations celebrate certain holidays. Here are my suggestions for a lesson on Easter:
    To give students a basic knowledge about the holiday itself, here are some good sites to visit:


  • Marquez and REM - a lesson plan

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Today we are offering you a lesson plan / handout on Gabriel Garcia Marquez - his life, some fun facts and a listening task based on an REM song (Losing my religion), which is connected to one of the writer's short stories. CLICK HERE to access to handout and do not hesitate to download. Credit should go to Katalin Szalay for sharing her material with us! Thank you!

  • EFL Tigers - CRIME

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Here comes a list of materials, websites, handouts, videos, infographics, interacive materials, games and a lot more on the topic of CRIME . Please feel free to download and use anything you find here. Also, share the website with colleagues if you feel it's worthy :) Thanks and happy browsing from Tibor Prievara!

    1) As a warmer to the topic of crimes, students are invited to write down and tell a lie to their partner: http://sdrv.ms/YKVQZg

    2) You can find some strange coincidences between the lives of Lincoln and Kennedy. The level is intermediate and the passive structures can also be illustrated or practiced. The sentences can be handed out to students, who need to find their pair, or small groups may receive different sentences and then tell each other what they’ve read. In the end the strangest coincidences can be voted on: http://sdrv.ms/UG9G18


  • EFL Tigers - CHRISTMAS

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Here comes a list of materials, websites, handouts, videos, infographics, interacive materials, games and a lot more on the topic of CHRISTMAS. Please feel free to download and use anything you find here. Also, share the website with colleagues if you feel it's worthy :) Thanks and happy browsing from Tibor Prievara!

    'Christmas in the classroom' series from the Guardian:

    What Xmas does to your brain - and how to fight it! A useful read from the BBC

    John Lewis Cristmas ad from 2011 - guaranteed to move :)


  • EFL Tigers - FAMILY and SOCIETY

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Here comes a list of materials, websites, handouts, videos, infographics, interacive materials, games and a lot more on the topic of FAMILY / SOCIETY / RELATIONSHIPS. Please feel free to download and use anything you find here. Also, share the website with colleagues if you feel it's worthy :) Thanks and happy browsing from Tibor Prievara!

    Talking about holiday songs, this is Denis Leary's take on life ... titled 'Life's gonna suck when you grow up'. Not for classroom use :)

    Little children, big challenges (this is Sesame streets meets divorce). Videos, interactives and more ... make sure watch the video at the bottom!


  • EFL Tigers - SCHOOL

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    Here comes a list of materials, websites, handouts, videos, infographics, interacive materials, games and a lot more on the topic of SCHOOLING / LEARNING / EDUCATION. Please feel free to download and use anything you find here. Also, share the website with colleagues if you feel it's worthy :) Thanks and happy browsing from Tibor Prievara!

    Here are 20 school lunches from all over the world. Interesting to see what other children eat.

    Do we only use 10% of our brains? Myth or reality? Great discussion starter (or just fun to read) from the BBC.


  • Pathfinder - find out what job suits you best

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    This is a great website I've just used in class. It's at School.com and it is called Pathfinder (CLICK HERE to visit the site). It's just brilliant, you have to answer several questions, on the basis of which Pathfinder will suggest future careers for you. Also great about the website: it stores your previous answers and lets you revise them. Not only this, as it also allows you to get it over with just answering 5 questions, however, but you can further fine-tune your answers with different popping up as, you go along. Great for classwork.

  • Conditionals through commercials

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    I thought since this part of our website deals exclusively in ESL / EFL, it might make sense to write in English. Hope the bilingual twist will not put off too many people. Anyway, today's EFL idea is about conditionals and commercials. In these commercials there is a chain of events that will readily yield themselves to be used to teach conditional sentences. Any 'type', actually. All you have to do is mute the video and ask students to write down how they feel the chain of events unfolds. Then check. Alternatively, ask them to use the 'second conditional' to narrate what might happen in each case. Quite entertaining, loads of language output, might even lead to discussion and also fun. Students will want to do the exercise, I promise :) There are altogether 3 commercials, each about 30 seconds long, so plenty of stuff to write and talk about!

  • Calvin and Hobbes keresőmotor

    Angolos ötletek - 12 éve

    Írta: Prievara Tibor

    De jó lenne egy vicces képregény a holnapi órához! - sóhajtunk fel nem egyszer készülés közben. MIndenkinek megvannak a kedvencei, engem az szokott elkedvetleníteni, hogy egyszerűen nincs elég időm arra, hogy megkeressem AZT a bizonyos képregényt, amelyben éppen arról van szó, ami az órán (pl. karácsony, vagy kutyás, esetleg rendőrös képregényt). Erre ajánlott megoldást László Péter kollégánk (ezúton is köszönjük neki), aki egy Calvin and Hobbes keresőmotort ajánlott figyelmünkbe (ITT TALÁLHATÓ az oldal, nagyon jó!). Kellemes böngészést!