Svájc rejtett titkai (A2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. október 24.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag Svájc ismert és kevésbé ismert arcait mutatja be, valamint kiderül, mi közük a svájciaknak a jazz-hez, Einsteinhez, illetve a zserbóhoz. Barátságosan apró darabokra szedett olvasmány! :)


Switzerland - interactive module

Title All you need to know about Switzerland
Language Reading/Vocabulary
Level Pre-intermediate
Time needed 25-30 mins
What you can learn In this lesson, you can get to know a lot of things about one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, Switzerland. First we test your knowledge, then we give you all the info you need. At the end, we have some interactive games and quizzes that help you practice the most useful words and expressions from the text.
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise)

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout)

Teacher's note

This is a reading lesson about Switzerland. Students have to do a prediction task before actually going into the reading, which is presented in small chunks, and accompanied by a vocabulary notebook. This vocabulary is what the interactive exercises and games are based on at the end of the module.

You can download the lesson as a handout (.doc) as well as an interactive module (.swf)

Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)

- You can download the interactive module here. (.swf)