Az év első angolórája - tippek, ötletek
Nyelvoktatás - 2013. augusztus 12.
Közeledik az új tanév, és ilyenkor lassan az eddig leginkább lángosok emésztésére kondicionált agyunk elkezd töprengeni azon, vajon mit is csinálunk majd az első héten. Ebben ad jelentős segítséget a TanárBlog most már viszonylag rendszeres szerzője, Tóth Éva, aki rengeteg hasznosítható ötletet gyűjtött csokorba angoltanárok számára, és volt olyan kedves, hogy ezt meg is osztotta velünk. A lapozás után található Éva gyűjteménye, valamint képek arról, hogy ezek a feladatok hogyan is néztek ki a gyakorlatban. Kellemes böngészést.
Back to school
Here are some ideas and tips for starting the new school year. Have fun and enjoy! The photos attached were taken in my classroom at Nagykátai Ipari Szakközépiskola, Nagykáta.
Classroom decorations and flashcards
You might want to decorate your classroom with some flashcards related to school:
- School objects:
- School flash cards:
- School subjects:
- Some posters and sayings to decorate your classroom (source:*VqucH*SKABRNAUTkZeYYy*/educationalposters.pdf
Warmers and ice –breakers
- For the first lesson, the following ice breaker is just perfect: write some pieces of information, clues about yourself on the board unrelatedly (e.g. 3, 2760, French, Debrecen, 29) and the students have to guess what that information might refer to.
- Group forming activities:
- Tic-tac-toe: collect some words and their definitions for yourself (e.g. H- the partner of the wife), put the first letter of the words into the boxes. Student can put their X or 0 into the box if they find out the word.
- Bankruptcy- It looks like this in practice:
- Introductory board game for intermediate students:
My students just adore board games:
And some more icebreakers:
Back to school:
You can find a lot of amazing worksheets related to the beginning of the year on Michelle Henry’s website ( ,on Busyteacher ( and on countless more sites. Here are some of the best tips:
- what does ‘back to school’ mean to you?
- teaching the classroom language:
- Me on the first day of school drawing (this one might be interesting for a teacher too):
- word search about school:
- and some more worksheets:
Listening , videos, infographics:
- Once back at school, why not use one of the summer’s movie trailers, Monster University for a listening exercise? You can find the trailer and the worksheet here:
- A 1-minute listening about school together with exercises:
- Great life lessons from famous teachers:
- And some funny clips about bad teachers:
- Infographics on education:
Have fun and good luck for the new school year!