Beszédek - szóban és írásban (haladó)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. április 27.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag beszédekről szól. Meg lehet hallgatni az elmúlt évek legnagyobb (amerikai) politikusi bakijait, elszólásait. Emellett van egy rövid cikk (2 különböző felfogásban) Dennis Rodman-ről, de egy beszéd megírásának a folyamatát is megtanulhatjuk, hatásokat kelthetünk és végül egy összevágott (és vicces) George W. Bush beszéddel tesszük fel a koronát a modulra. Érdemes akár kis részeket elvégezni a modulból - kikapcsolódásként.


Persuading in writing and speaking

Title All about presentations - famous mistakes, a funny speech and also practical advice on public speaking
Language Vocabulary/Speaking/Reading/Listening/Fun
Level Intermediate + /Advanced
Time needed 2 x 45 mins
What you can learn

Reading and Listening : This is a complex material, with a lot of funny and useful tasks. You can listen to famous mistakes in speeches, read about the same event with different bias, but you can also learn how to prepare a speech and how to make it more effective.

Note: You can also download the material as a pdf document and do the exercises on paper.

What you need on your computer

Macromeda Flash Player (to view fully interactive lesson - .swf)

Adobe Acrobat Reader (to download lesson material in .pdf format)

Teachers' Note

This module contains enough material for a double lesson or two single lessons. Its aim is to raise awareness to how one can be manipulated by what they are told - and also by how they are told that. There is a fake Bush speech included. Listen to it before using it in class to make sure your students would understand it.

Download lesson