Jósoljunk kártyából (B1)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. szeptember 26.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

És valóban, a tananyag pont azt adja, amit ígér. Egy rövid, 30 perces tréning segítségével mindenki kiképezheti magát félprofi kártyajóssá. Mindezt sok hasznos kifejezés, rengeteg feladat, interaktív játék stb. teszi, ha lehet, még izgalmasabbá!


Your future told ... from cards!

Title Learn how tell the future from cards
Language Reading/Vocabulary/Speaking/Fun
Level Pre-intermediate + (B1+)
Time needed 35-40 mins
What you can learn

Reading: You are going to read about how to tell the future of people from cards! There are explanations for each card in the pack so that you can tell each other what the future holds :)

What you need on your computer

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout - .doc)

Marcomedia Flash Player (to view interactive material - .swf)

Teacher's note

Threre is plenty of vocabulary to learn as well as a lot of fun to be had in this material. Make sure your students don't take it too seriously, though!

Download lesson

- You can download the interactive material here. (.swf)

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)