Children Around the world - interactive Webquest

Internet a tanórán - 2010. február 26.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag egy online kincskereső játék (IDE KATTINTVA található). Összesen 4 állomás van, az állomások között úgy lehet előre haladni, ha a feladványokra helyesen válaszolunk. Van 'videó' állomás, olvasmányok, egy rövid hanganyag is. Mindez végig interaktív, mozgalmas és érdekes is. Vajon hány perc alatt lehet végigmenni az útvonalon? Csinálja végig most, és írja meg nekünk! :)

Children Around the world - - interactive Webquest

Title This is an online treasure hunt - you have to watch, listen to and read interesting things about the topic. Then you have quizzes that you have to do in order to move on.
Language Listening/Vocabulary/Speaking/Reading
Level Intermediate
Time needed 40-45 mins
What you can learn

Webquest: In this interactive module you can work alone or even compete with friends. The whole quest takes about 45 minutes but you can always stop, bookmark the page where you left off and come back to continue when you have time.

This material (for obvious reasons) is not available as a handout, you have to do this online in an interactive manner!

What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view interactive module - .swf)

Windows Media Player (to view video)

Teacher's note

This is a Webquest suitable for upper-intermediate+ students. You can do it in 45 minutes - even faster if your students are more advanced.

Before you do this in class, note the following:

a) there has to be sound in the computers you are working with!

b) some of the images, stories and issues might be offensive to some students. Please check all stages of the webquest to make sure the topics and the images are fine with your students!

Download lesson - You can download the fully interactive WEBQUEST here. (.swf)