Internet a tanórás - 2010. június 30.
A folklórkutatásban megkerülhetetlen név Vlagyimir Propp, aki a húszas-harmincas években dolgozta ki meseelemzési módszerét. Állítása szerint a mesék lebonthatóak egyes motívumokra és ezek külön is vizsgálhatók. 31 meseelemet azonosított és állítása szerint ezek összefűzéséből bármely mese leképezhető.
A Propp-mese generátor (ITT TALÁLHATÓ) ezt az állítást teszi próbára a számítástechnika segítségével. Kiválaszthatjuk az egyes elemeket (funkciókat) majd elolvashatjuk az így készült mesét.
Az eredmény érdekes. Természetesen nem olyan mesét kapunk, mint ami a Grimm gyűjteményben is elférne, de mégis van valamifajta hangulata, izgalmas szövete a létrjövő szövegeknek. a generátorral játszogatni alapból izgalmas, és közben úgy olvasnak angolul a diákok, hogy fel sem tűnik nekik, mivel foglalkoznak. Az is érdekes feladat lehet, ha kiadjuk (az esetleg lefordított) meséket elemzésre vagy feljavításra a gyerekeknek.
Következzen itt egy általam készített mese:
A woman from the mountain dressed in dragon scales walked down towards me. Her feet were as bare as mine but that did not seem to matter, because wherever she stepped her feet did not make a sound. "I hear of a man who can perform miracles. He walks across the soil without danger and carries with him his father's ring. Are you this man?"
After I took the needle from its place, I pryed my father's bones from the floor and put them in my satchel.
Then, as I was about to reach the top of the mountain, a giant form appeared before me in the shape of soil. As I came closer to it I realized that it was not a giant form but composed of hundreds of small people from the earth. The mountain had come alive, and it did not want me to pass its presence.
But since I had been given my gift I did not fear what stood in front of me. As his body touched mine if fell to the floor covered in a carpet of needles.
Before I entered the foreign kingdom, a general dressed in black and red wearing white paint asked me who I was and how I came. I told him about my shoes, about my needle, and about the creature I had slain. His eyes opened in delight, and he scribbled down my boasts on a parchment of yellow paper.
The man in heavy robes looked at the man beside me and asked, "So now I ask that you take the same truth by needle test that this man took."
Father began to tell my story (with added embellishments and nuances) of rescue and courage to the others.
Mother licked her fingers and placed them to my face, wiping the thick layer of dirt away. Then I truly began to look like my father's son, in form, face, and color.
I was offered a place in the palace, but I could not accept. I wanted to be with the mountain; I felt it move under my skin as I knew part of me was in the mountain too.