Küzdjünk a szegénység ellen? (B2+)

Angolos ötletek - 2011. április 3.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

Mindneki úgy gondolja, hogy fel kell számolni a szegénységet a világon. Nagyon helyesen. De vajon arr ais gondolunk ilyenkor, hogy a szegénységből kiemelt réteg a több pénzéből többet költ autóra, energiára stb., és ez milyen hatással lehet a globális felmelegedésre? Hallgassunk ide és gondolkozzunk!

Global warming, poverty and health


How can you hurt the world by trying to help it?

Language Speaking/Listening/Vocabulary
Level Upper-intermediate + (B2+)
Time needed 25-30 mins
What you can learn

Listening: You are going to listen to a short text about Google.org, in which it is described how we can and, also, how we should not try and help the world become a better place. Listen to the beginning of the lecture and do all the interactive (or non-interactive) tasks and quizzes.

What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view presentation - .swf)

Microsoft Word (to download the material as a handout - .pdf)

Teachers' Note

This is a short listening text (1.55 mins) abbut the effects of global warming, poverty and global health on the world, as well as (more importantly!) on their interactions, affecting each other.

Ideal for a thought-provoking lesson on 'things are not as simlpe as they seem to be'!!

Download lesson