Pénztárcakímélő programok (A2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. április 27.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag ahhoz ad tippeket, hogyan töltsük el úgy a szabadidőnket, hogy a pénzünket nem költjük közben. Számos tippet olvashatunk illetve hallgathatunk meg, a sok interaktív feladat pedig a közben felmerülő hasznos szavak és kifejezések begyakorlására ad lehetőséget.


FREEtime - interactive module

Title FREEtime for free
Language Listening/Reading/Vocabulary
Level Pre-intermediate
Time needed 25-30 mins
What you can learn In this module, you can read and then listen to some great tips about what you can do in your freetime without spending any money. There's a glossary called FREEtime_words where you can see all the important words and expressions, together with their Hungarian meaning. Finally, there's an interactive quiz and some more exercises and games for you to check if you have learnt all the expressions from the listening.
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise)

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout)

Teacher's note

This is a lesson about doing things in your freetime that do not cost you any money. After reading some of our tips, students can listen to a British man who talks about this topic. There are a number of listening tasks, during which students can consult the glossary called freetime_words at the top right corner. At the end of the module there are several interactive games and exercises to check students' understanding of the vocab.

You can download the lesson as a handout (.doc) as well as an interactive module (.swf)

Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)

- You can download the interactive module here. (.swf)