Angol szavak különböző kiejtése 1 (C1)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. november 4.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag valójában sokkal izgelmasabb, mint a címe. 13 szó különböző jelentéseivel ismerkedhetünk meg, hanganyaggal, kvízzel, magyarázatokkal - interaktívan, vagy nyomtatható feladatlapon. Minden haladó nyelvtanuló számára kötelező olvasmány; hiszen nem mindegy, hogy produce, vagy produce, esetleg does, vagy does. Ugye, ez világos. Mégsem? Kattintson, és az lesz. :)

English pronunciation 1 (Have fun with spelling!)

Title Listen to (and learn!) some words which look the same but have different meanings
Language Listening/Use of English/Speaking/Fun
Level Advanced
Time needed 20-25 mins
What you can learn Listening and pronunciation: This is a FUN material which helps you with pronunciation. There are 13 words altogether with 2 different meanings in each case - all illustrated in sentences. Can you pronounce them correctly? Learn the words and their unique proniunciation. It's fun - and you'll be shocked, that we can guarantee you :)
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view interactive material - .swf)

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout - .doc)

Teacher's note This is a fun material - if you have 10 minutes to spare at the end of the lesson or would like to deal with pronunciation in a fun way, this is the right material for you!
Download lesson

- You can download the interactive material here. (.swf)

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)