Nyelvtani morzsák 8 - Kapcsolatok 1 (B1-B2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. október 24.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

Ebben a tematikus nyelvhelyesség tananyagban is 10 érdekességnek szorítottunk helyet, a téma ezúttal a kapcsolatok - elsősorban a családi kapcsolatok persze.


Grammar Bits 8 (focus: Family and relationships 1)


This is a short quiz (10 items) on grammar and usage - with the focus on 'family and relationships'

Language Grammar / Use of English
Level Pre - intermediate +(A2 - B2)
Time needed 15-20 mins
What you can learn

Use of English: There are 10 interesting and/or useful grammar and usage points in this module. You can read about them in the flash presentation and then there is an interactive quiz to test you. Have fun :)

What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view .swf module)

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout - .doc)

Teachers' Note

This is a short quiz to supplement any (pre)-intemediate + course.

Download lesson