Nyelvtankönyv 24 fejezetben (C1+)
Nyelvoktatás - 2011. április 3.
A tananyag tényleg nem is tananyag, hanem egy 200 oldalas, 24 fejezetből álló nyelvtankönyv! Haladóknak szól, angolul van, és igyekszik minden témakört lefedni (viszonylag nagy sikerrel :) Itt mindenki minden megtalálhat a haladó (felsőfokú) nyelvtanból. A lapozás után egyetlen kattintással letölthető teljes fejezetek találhatóak.
Advanced grammar book (200 pages in 24 units!)
Title | This is a complex online grammar course for advanced students. |
Language | Grammar |
Level | Advanced |
Time needed | -------------- |
What you can learn |
Grammar: There are 24 grammar units in this reference section covering all the important areas of advanced grammar. |
What you need on your computer |
Microsoft Word (to view the grammar units - in .doc format) |
Teacher's note |
This is the online version of the book Ultimate English. It was written to help students cope with advanced grammar points and issues.
Download lesson |
- You can download unit 1 here (Articles1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 2 here (Articles 2) . (.doc) - You can download unit 3 here (Nouns 1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 4 here (Nouns 2) . (.doc) - You can download unit 5 here (Quantifiers 1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 6 here (Quantifiers 2) . (.doc) - You can download unit 7 here (Tenses 1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 8 here (Tenses 2) . (.doc) - You can download unit 9 here (Conditionals) . (.doc) - You can download unit 10 here (Unreal past) . (.doc) - You can download unit 11 here (The passive) . (.doc) - You can download unit 12 here (Causative structures) . (.doc) - You can download unit 13 here (Modals 1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 14 here (Modals 2) . (.doc) - You can download unit 15 here (Relative clauses 1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 16 here (Relative clauses 2) . (.doc) - You can download unit 17 here (The infinitive) . (.doc) - You can download unit 18 here (The ing form) . (.doc) - You can download unit 19 here (Reported speech) . (.doc) - You can download unit 20 here (Reported questions and the Subjunctive) . (.doc) - You can download unit 21 here (Inversions) . (.doc) - You can download unit 22 here (Questions tags) . (.doc) - You can download unit 23 here (Linking 1) . (.doc) - You can download unit 24 here (Linking 2) . (.doc) |